The Birthstone For April is Diamond

The Birthstone For April is Diamond

The fourth month of the year, and fourth in our blog series of birthstones.  April features the ultimate gemstone, the Diamond as it's birthstone, read on as we explore the properties and history of the Queen of precious gemstones Diamond.
For those born in April, your Diamond birthstone is the most coveted, and potentially most valuable of the birthstones. The Latin word for diamond is "adamas" which means "unconquerable" or "invincible" reflecting the diamond's hardness and durability.  Read on as we discover more about the properties, and history of the Diamond.
It is the hardest known mineral and is composed of pure carbon. Diamonds are highly valued for their brilliance and sparkle, as well as their durability, making them suitable for everyday wear in jewellery. They are typically colourless, but can also be found in a variety of colours, such as yellow, pink, and blue.  These are considered fancy Diamonds, and are generally more valuable.  Diamonds are also said to symbolize eternal love and commitment, making them a popular choice for engagement rings.

Diamonds are known for their exceptional hardness and durability. They are the hardest known mineral and have a Mohs hardness of 10, which makes them resistant to scratches and abrasions. They are also highly valued for their brilliance and sparkle, which is caused by the way light reflects off their internal crystal structure. In addition, diamonds have a high refractive index which means they can bend light to create a rainbow of colours.


Diamonds have been known and used as a symbol of wealth, power, and love for thousands of years. The first diamonds were found in India over 2,000 years ago and were brought to Europe through trade routes. Diamonds became popular in engagement rings in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the De Beers company played a major role in creating demand for diamonds through successful marketing campaigns. Today, diamonds are still highly valued and sought after, but their production and trade have also been criticized for their impact on the environment and human rights issues. 
This instigated The Kimberley Process, which is an international certification scheme that regulates the trade of rough diamonds to ensure they do not finance conflict (also known as "blood diamonds"). Established in 2003, it is a joint government, industry, and civil society initiative aimed at preventing the flow of conflict diamonds into the legitimate diamond market. Participants in the Kimberley Process agree to strict standards and regulations, including a requirement to only trade with other participants and to provide regular reports to the Kimberley Process. 

Diamonds are found in various countries all over the world, including:

  1. Russia
  2. Australia
  3. Canada
  4. Angola
  5. Democratic Republic of Congo
  6. Botswana
  7. South Africa
  8. Namibia
  9. Zimbabwe

Diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's mantle and are brought to the surface through volcanic eruptions. They are typically found in kimberlite pipes and alluvial deposits. Diamonds are also found in some meteorites and in the ocean floor through offshore mining. The location and availability of diamond resources changes over time, and new diamond mines are continually being developed.

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